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America Recycles Day ~ 4 Quick & Easy Tips

4 Quick & Easy Tips to honor America Recycles Day

Video of Biocadence Speaking Engagement

I decided to put together a collage of highlights from my speech at the:

Midtown EcoFest ~ November 3-4, 2012 ~ Atlanta, Georgia ~ Hostessed by Felicia Phillips, Founder of H3O Eco Magazine

Full speech (20 minutes)

Prop 35… Musings on Human Response to Oppression & Violence… What is the Connection Between the Environment and Feminism?

I like to focus my energy on promoting the joy we can find in the process of living more sustainably. However, sometimes it is appropriate to focus on the grave observations that may motivate us to honor our planet and the people who inhabit it. Enlightenment about the depth of interconnectedness of our global siblings AND our environment will assist our communities in achieving heightened respect for the environment AND for human rights. With the election coming, and Prop 35 on the ballot, I think it’s a good time to make the connection between environmentalism and feminism.

Early in 2012, I published an article on the Biocadence blog, discussing sustainability in “The Hunger Games” series: “The Hunger Games”… Fiction or Non-Fiction?. This article has far more views than any other Biocadence article, and I think it may be responsible for bringing in many of our global readers… helping Biocadence reach readers in 60 countries. In the process of pruning through my flip-cam videos, I found this song that I wrote just after finishing “The Hunger Games” trilogy and “The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo” series.

With the election coming soon and prop 35 on the ballot, I thought I’d share this video. I wrote this song as I processed my thoughts on what these trilogies might tell us about the violence, oppression, and violation that many women are going through today, and what so many generations of women may have experienced. I also thought about the many women AND men who may not have been directly exposed to the violence, but may have female mentors and caregivers who’ve passed down responses and behaviors associated to this oppression, without knowing it.

Related Articles:

More info about Prop 35

Biocadence article discussing sustainability in “The Hunger Games”

Connection between the environment and feminism:

Conference on Earth Democracy: Women, Justice and Ecology

Green Spirit 

Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions

Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development

A Very Short Summary of Ecofeminism Theory and Practice

How to Handle “Too Much” Produce?! Creative Solutions for a Food Surplus “Mistake”

A few weeks ago, we brought home a huge Farmer’s Market bounty, forgetting that our CSA box was scheduled to arrive the same week! How did we handle all that produce?

Quicklinks to Most Popular Biocadence Articles:

“The Hunger Games”… Fiction or Non-Fiction?

What is Ethical Eating?… Is Eating Meat Ethical?

Use Biodegrable Trash Bags!

Embracing the Fulcrum: Reconciling My Belief in the Law of Attraction With My Sustainable Living Transition

Our goal is to reach 1000 FaceBook page likes (click here)! “Liking” our page will include our industry related news updates and musings in your newsfeed (1-3/day). If you already “like” it, consider sharing our content with your friends, using the one click sharing buttons below. We appreciate your help in reaching our goals!

“One Lovely Blog Award”!!!

I am honored to receive the nomination for “One Lovely Blog Award” from Joyness Sparkles!

While there is structure to a blogger’s formal receipt of nomination for this award (thank the blogger who nominated you, nominate 15 blogs & share 8 interesting facts about yourself), each blogger gives a unique flare to the experience. I decided to:

1) Write a rhyme to thank Joyness Sparkles!

2) Make a short video listing the prescribed 8 interesting facts about myself, and

3) Provide hyperlinks to 15 blogs I nominate, along with an explanation of what they mean to me

Biocadence provides me with joy and with drive.
It fuels me to read, to write, and to strive.
I hope to expose, to incense… to shine light,
encouraged by comments, by followers… by “likes”.

But what makes me blush; warms my heart to the core?
Receipt through tradition: “One Lovely Blog Award”!!!
Dear Joyness Sparkles, so sure to perform.
She’s fancy and classy… elegant in her form!!!

With delight and a wink, and in true shout-out fun:
she sparkled her Joyness, in bright shining sun.
So what will this humbling, sweet honor spawn?
What fun do I share here on

A tickle, a poem, a rhyme as it seems:)…
Etiquette will require the following themes:
Torch passing to blogs: a count of fifteen,
and sharing of myself : 8 interesting things.


I nominate the following blogs:

1 & 2: “One Powerful Blog” would be the way to describe the first 2 blogs I nominate. Tim Ferriss and Gary Vaynerchuk are wildly successful. When it comes down to it, these two blogs have had the largest impression on me:

The Blog of Tim Ferriss

Gary Vaynerchuk

3: The next blog is aesthetically beautiful and calming. It’s about yoga, joy, and finding peace in simple activity. The writer is a self-proclaimed mat-hugger and the stunning model in the photos:


4: After 30 years as a vegetarian, I did not expect to enjoy a blog written by a butcher! The Ethical Butcher focuses on connection to the farm, the animal, and the life-giving energy that animals gift us. Ensuring proper treatment of animals he butchers, he gives thanks and honors a form of magic that we take for granted:

The Ethical Butcher

5: The following blog is written by an ultra-runner and nature lover. The author threads lines of poetic prose, inviting you into the enchanting world that he sees. His truth is found in connection with the visceral, with nature, and with a collective memory. One wonders: is this understanding possible without a 50 mile run under my belt? This is a brilliant translation of a language found in the instinctive process of remembering ancient wisdom:

The Jasmine Dialogues

6: Woooooh Nelly, comedian alert! My husband shared that he’d found a video blog by a young lady whose behavior reminded him of me when I get really silly and F-R-E-E! Jenna Marbles publishes a comic video every Wednesday. WARNING: not for viewing with your children. If cursing makes you uncomfortable, you may not enjoy this video blog. I recommend expecting a raw, un-restricted comic purge from the personal computer of a very creative young lady. Relax and let the laughs roll:


7: Written by a triathlete named Tammy, this blogger shares recipes, fitness strategies, travel experiences, and workout schedules. I have never seen this woman without a smile on her face:


8: This is a relatively new blog I heard about on the Sarah & Vinnie morning show! The writer is a businesswoman, marathoner, beauty, and mentor to the next generation of women. She advocates activity by sharing her personal stories and inspirations. Go girl- “Hurry Up”; don’t stop!!!!:

Hurry Up!

9: This blog features a family that has minimized their use of energy and resources while living with fresh style and evident quality of life! Prepare to be impressed!:

The Zero Waste Home

10: This video blogger takes us into his home and shows us the strategies he’s implemented to prepare for Peak Oil. Brilliant, practical, and clean in presentation, this blog is incredibly instructive!:

Mr. Energy Zcar

 11-15: I am focused on using fewer resources and less energy. I wholeheartedly believe that quality of life only increases as we simplify, so long as we have our needs met. These five bloggers are spreading the cheer they find in frugality, homesteading, and joining the land:

Sustainable Sweet & Savory Gourmet

The Simplicity Project

The Frugal Girl

Agrigirl’s Blog

Our goal is to reach 1000 FaceBook page likes (click here)! This will include our industry related news updates and musings in your newsfeed (1-3/day). If you already “like” it, consider sharing our content with your friends, using the one click sharing buttons below. We appreciate your help in reaching our goals!

Over 235 shares! Check out our most popular article about sustainability in relation to “The Hunger Games”: “The Hunger Games”… Fiction or Non-Fiction?.

New Actor Debut – We’ve Hired a Few Actors for Biocadence Videos!!

Item 1 on my to-do list today was learning how to do more advanced video editing. I recorded some very silly clips to play with as I learned new techniques. I had so much fun, that I decided to share the result!

“Inner Child”, Froggie, Maximilian, Priscilla, and Phil are so excited to share a piece of their personalities with you! Special note to my awesome FaceBook Page followers: The {lyrical} posts I’ve been making this week (Ode to Morning), are pulled from the song played in the background of this video!!

I hear a Cadence Ya’ll – Today is Friday!

Our goal is to reach 1000 FaceBook page likes (click here)! This will include our industry related news updates and musings in your newsfeed (1-3/day). If you already “like” it, consider sharing our content with your friends, using the one click sharing buttons below. We appreciate your help in reaching our goals!

Over 235 shares! Check out our most popular article about sustainability in relation to “The Hunger Games”: “The Hunger Games”… Fiction or Non-Fiction?.

Use Biodegradable Trash Bags!

Purchase Details:

On the Biocadence Impact/Disturbance (ID) scale this is the highest ranking adjustment I have found to date! Give it a try! 

Biodegradable Trash Bags for online purchase

Our goal is to reach more eyes and ears. We’d appreciate if you’d “like” our Facebook page (click here). “Liking” our page will include our posts (1-3/day) in your news feed. If you already “like” it, consider sharing it with your network (simply copy and paste the link below into a status update. We appreciate your help in reaching our goals!

Source: All Green Things

Reusable Paper Towels

Throwing away paper towels “[…] results in 254 million tons of trash every year […] If every household in the U.S. used just one less 70-sheet roll of virgin fiber paper towels, that would save 544,000 trees each year.” (Source: Statistics Source)

Link to Purchase Cellulose Reusable Cloths

Previous Blog Posts:

Recycle Your Recycled Toothbrush!

Is Eating Meat Sustainable?

Dance to an Earth-Beat

Recycle Your Recycled Toothbrush!

“Small as they are, tossed toothbrushes certainly do create a lot of waste. Indeed, some 50 million pounds of them are tossed into America’s landfills each year.” (Source:

Link to purchase 5pk of Preserve Toothbrushes

Quick link to Blog Post 2: Is Eating Meat Sustainable?

Quick link to Blog Post 1: Dance to an Earth-Beat


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